The home for all things DARKWARD....because everything looks better in the dark.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Where are the Deviants heading?

There have been discussions via chat and email recently about what readers would like to see in Deviants of the Dark.  Here are some of the things that have come up.  Now let us have your input!

1.  FREQUENCY -  there was a general consensus that posting once a week was a good compromise.  More frequently is hard to keep up with and less frequent allows interest to waver.  Most importantly consistency is important.  Long gaps between posting lose readership.

2. We are not the only blog devoted to Dark Twific so we wanted out own particular ‘angle’.  There was a unanimous feeling that we should concentrate on the edgier, really Dark stories.

3.  What do we mean by Dark?  This is an ongoing discussion.  It isn’t just about horrific deeds or angst, though it could include both.  We all agreed good writing was paramount and using the plot for shock value can be counter productive.  Maybe Darkness must  be in the essential nature of the characters?

4.  Are there enough good quality Dark fics around to warrant a regular blog?  Possibly not, but we saw part of our essential role was to encourage the readership of good stories and to promote the writing of new Dark stories.

5. How can we encourage readership?  We already review 2 multi chapter and 1 one-shot each month and have an ongoing calendar of articles planned.  These include Vamp Slash, non E x B Dark Fics and Artwork and other creative outlets.  Suggestions we have had for articles include a discussion and comparison of Vampire Mythologies, a discussion of taboo subjects, the role of reviews, and author interviews.  We would love to hear your suggestions - especially if you are volunteering to write the article.

6. How can we encourage the writing of more Dark Fics?  We are going to run a contest!  It will be specifically aimed at promoting multichapter fics.  We have yet to hash out the details but we have a name - Truly, Madly, Darkly - and an end date - Halloween.  Follow the blog and our Twitter to keep updated.

This Blog is still in its infancy.  We have a couple of amazing people working on the ‘look’ of it but the rest is up to all of us.  This is your chance to shape this into something you would like to follow so let us know what you think!  

Leave a comment or email us at

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys!

    Well, first I'd like to congratulate all of you *again* for creating this amazing blog!

    *About frequency topics, I think the updates should come whenever the writer feels capable of doing it *preferably in every 15 days*, because maybe it's too unnerving for some people feel the obligation of writing chapters every week *we don't know about peoples's lives and some have time issues and stuff like that*

    *I totally agree with your point of view. I think what could make the difference here is trying to deal with every single face of the subject dark; not only writing about one specific point, but try to express all human/vampire's facets, going even deeper in a way to make readers feel in the bones the kind of pressure or pain the characters are going through.

    yeah... dark stuff... I think it's too abstract to conceptualize it in some few lines. I believe that the real dark is indeed in the depts of the human being *or vamp*; it's something quite complex, but at the same time very ample to write about.

    Er... well, your idea is really great. I think it's important to talk not only about one point in dark stories. It would be nice if writers tried to mix myths and ancient vampire ideas, cause it's interesting seeing them showing their originality inventing more stuff, mixing it with another ideas *like traditional Romanian vamps for instance*

    -> I'd like to sugest one very good dark story called INFINITY ( its author is Bronzehairedgirl620 (she's great).

    Sorry about my crazy babbling around here! *I'm just trying to help u out*
    See ya folks!
