Summary: Edward has spent his entire existence longing for one thing. When he finally gets it, his carefully construction control starts slipping. It doesn't matter to his savior, she's dying either way. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
On FF.net
Donna_rai says:
This Story has been written by the fantastic O_oza
It is twisted from the very beginning, talk about keeping you on the edge of your seat! It keeps you thinking "What the hell is gonna happen next!"
Not only is this story well written but the author has created a brilliant twist, it has me begging for the next chapter to be here now!!
"As Bella stepped into the downpour, a man suddenly appeared in front of her.Under normal circumstances, she probably would have found him attractive. However, one look into his feral, black eyes sent a chill racing up her spine.
"Come with me", he demanded. His voice, smooth and velvety, caressed each word in a way that shot fear through her body. Bella was frozen, too terrified to move. The man's fingers wrapped around her arm tightly. !now" "
All Edward wants is peace and quiet, but with his mind reading abilities that doesn't come after....that is until he comes across Bella. When Edward tries to read her mind something very strange happens and without realising it he has her in the woods.
Bella finds herself in a most unfortunate predicament the moment she sets eyes on Edward.
The scent of her blood and silent mind are enough to seal her fate!
I wont spoil it but trust me the twist and turns in this story are excellent!!
"What do you want?" She hoped to sound strong, but her voice was only a whisper. The man shook his head slowly. "What did you do to me?" "What" "How are you doing it?" he asked frantically. He started walking towards her. She immediately backed away.
"Leave me alone!" Bella screamed as the man lunged at her."
There is only a handful of fics out there that take me by surprise, and I cant predict whats going to happen next.....this is one of them! I honestly didn't want to stop reading.
I am very excited to see what O_oza has in store for this story, she definitely has a way of leaving you in suspense, and i love it
Lambcullen says:
This kicks off the a very intriguing start. You think you know what is happening, and yet all of a sudden you are thrown into the utter confusion that Edward is feeling. Edward is utterly perplexed by Bella, and that gives him a caustic edge... maybe even cold.
"The only thing he was sure of was that he would eventually stop her heart from beating one way or another."
However, this isn't your usual Darkward story... there is an odd edge to Bella. Something that I cannot wait to reveal itself.
Ooza's description are eerie.
"As Bella stepped into the downpour, a man suddenly appeared in front of her. Under normal circumstances, she probably would have found him attractive. However, one look into his feral, black eyes sent a chill racing up her spine."
"What did you do to me?"
"I can't hear you, Carlisle. I can't hear anyone."
She does an amazing job of conveying Alice's and Edward's gifts, as they integral to this storyline.
Her descriptions of Edward's darkness are chillingly delicious....and yet there is a vulnerabilty that drips through. Edward is just as confused and lost as Bella is, though I don't think many people see this other side to him.
"I'll be sorry?" He laughed then, a sound so sinister that Bella's short-lived bravery crumbled.
She injects a little humor that you don't expect. Verbal banter between the two is excellent. Bella does not buckle easily. So I was snorting rather loudly when I read this line.
"Alice! She's trapped in a house full of vampires. I really don't think she's concerned about Egyptian thread count."
"You don't have to patronize me."
"I would never," he mocked.
"You're an asshole."
I personally feel this is one of the most layered Darkwards I have ever read. We get the thrist for her blood, and yet we ll feel for Edward. It's amazing how the author conveys that.
Without another word, Edward grabbed Bella by the hair and bent her head back. He took a deep breath before bowing his head and pressing his teeth against her neck. They sliced effortlessly into her skin.
Bella wanted to scream, but she was too startled to do anything. Blood streamed down her neck as Edward remained completely motionless. Then he was sucking, pulling the blood from her body. The wound throbbed under the force of his teeth and lips, but it didn't last long.
Edward pushed away from her with a pained cry and with his hand covering his mouth, fled from the room.
I could go on and on about this fic... really, I could. But it's only seven chapters in so far, so why don't you check it out for yourself.
You will not be sorry....
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am so honored that you rec'd HitGoS. <3 you ladies!